Day Twenty One – Gyeongju to Seoraksan

A day of travel. We have relocated from Gyeongju in the Southeast to Seoraksan National Park in the Northeast, about 70k from the border with North Korea.

We decided to travel via Seoul. If we had travelled directly from Gyeongju it would have been a seven hour bus ride. Instead it was two hours to Seoul on the KTX. One of the KTX trains passed through our station at full speed while we were waiting, which gave the kids a buzz.



Then just over two hours on a bus to Sokcho, a coastal town adjoining the National Park.

Sylvia bought traditional Korean bus ride food for the journey.


Our hotel is quite large (150 rooms) and inside the national park. It has seen better days. It was probably quite opulent when built in the 1970s, but appears to have not been renovated since. As far as I can tell there are only four rooms in use, and we have two of them.

It is a little like staying in the hotel in the Shining.


Still, after our shared shoebox in Gyeongju it is quite luxurious.



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