Day Twenty Five – Seoul

Went for a bike ride along the banks of the Han River this morning, which was enjoyed by everyone. I should mention that apart from the occasional wet day the weather has been excellent right through our trip. Mid-twenties and sunny almost every day.




These are gun emplacements near one of the eighteen bridges across the river. Apparently all of the bridges have explosives set around them so they can be rapidly destroyed in the event of an attack from the North.

The afternoon was spent at the vast Lotte market/Lotte world shopping complex. It included an indoor theme park where we left the kids while Sylvia shopped. The theme park was a bit of a rip off. The rides were apparently good, but some were closed for renovations and others for a monthly check, so the queues were very long on the remaining rides.


Dinner was (very spicy) char-grilled chicken feet. Tasty.



One thought on “Day Twenty Five – Seoul

  1. Bruce says:

    I get a sense of how spicy the chicken feet are with Sylvia having to wear gloves. Reminds me of watching people eat supposedly the worlds hottest burgers in Queensland


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